Get Your Coffee Date Cameo!

I hear all the time that the most liked videos of teaching I provide are the ones where it’s all me all the time, talking directly to you! And while teaching courses, I am 99% on camera, I can’t always be.

People comment on my energy that shines through my words and expressions, as pure joy, or how they feel like I am in the room with them, a friend, sharing a coffee or tea, or talking directly to them. Well now is your chance for me to TRULY speak directly to you in a personalized video.

Why Get A Cameo?

Need Motivation?

A “Good Morning” Message?

A “Hang In There” Message?

A “You Are Enough” Message?

A “You Got This” Message?

Simply tell me a few things in this form below and within a week I will send you a private link to your personalized message.

Let’s have a coffee date!

Tell me just a few things I need to know to help personalize a message to you. By answering these questions, your personalized coffee date cameo will feel most personal, like you and I are in the room together. Your private video cameo can be five minutes or more, in true “Sufi Style”.

Once you fill this out and submit, make sure to put the cameo coffee date in your cart and checkout (just below this form)

Once you handle payment, within the week you’ll receive your video message! So let’s get started…

Coffee Date Cameo Video